Lieutenancy of the Western Isles
The Lord-Lieutenant is His Majesty's personal representative in the Western Isles with the overall duty to uphold the dignity of the Crown.
Discover MoreMorair-ionaid a' Chrùin
’S e riochdaire pearsanta An Rìgh a tha ann am Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin, le uallach airson mòralachd a’ Chrùin a thaiceachadh.
Faic tuilleadhLieutenancy of the Western Isles
The Lord-Lieutenant is His Majesty's personal representative in the Western Isles with the overall duty to uphold the dignity of the Crown.
Discover MoreMorair-ionaid a' Chrùin
’S e riochdaire pearsanta An Rìgh a tha ann am Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin, le uallach airson mòralachd a’ Chrùin a thaiceachadh.
Faic tuilleadhFàilte! Welcome!
Taing dhuibh airson tadhal air a’ làrach-lìn againn agus tha mi an dòchas gu faigh sibh fiosrachadh a tha feumail dhuibh.
Thank you for visiting our web-site and I hope you will find the information helpful.
’S e prìomh dhleastanas Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin ’s na h-Eileanan Siar, a bhith a’ riochdachadh A Mhòrachd An Rìgh agus a’ dion inbhe a’ Chrùin. Tha mi dèanamh ceangal eadar An Rìgh agus na h-eileanan agus a’ brosnachadh co-obrachadh am measg nam buidhnean saor-thoileach agus nan seirbheisean armachd sa choimhearsnachd againn.
Tha mi an-còmhnaidh ro-thoilichte tadhal air buidhnean airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh a thoirt seachad air obair na dreuchd agus ma tha sibh airson ’s gun tadhail mi oirbh leigibh fhios thugam aig:
Iain MacAmhlaidh
Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin
'Solas', 81 Col Uarach
Eilean Leòdhais, HS2 0LT
Fòn-taighe – (01851) 820501
Fòn-làimhe – 07747456059
As Lord-Lieutenant of the Western Isles, I represent His Majesty The King and my overall duty is to uphold the dignity of the Crown. I am the link between His Majesty and the islands and my role is to encourage a spirit of co-operation in the voluntary, uniformed and armed forces sectors of our community.
I am always available to visit groups to provide more information on the role and work of the Lord-Lieutenant. If you would like a visit, you can get in touch with me at:
Iain Macaulay
HM Lord-Lieutenant
'Sollas', 81 Upper Coll
Isle of Lewis, HS2 0LT
Telephone – (01851) 820501
Mobile – 07747456059
Mu dheidhinn na h-Eileanan Siar
Tha na h-Eileanan Siar a’ gabhail a-steach prìomh eileanan Leòdhais, Na Hearadh, Scalpaigh, Beàrnaraigh, Uibhist a Tuath, Beinn na Fadhla, Uibhist a Deas, Èirisgeigh, Barraigh agus Bhatarsaigh. A bharrachd air Hiort agus Rockall, tha 50 eilean fàsach san roinn cuideachd. Tha 130 mhìltean de dh’astar eadar an ceann a tuath agus an ceann a deas agus tha cabhsairean agus bàtaichean aiseig a’ ceangal nan 6 prìomh eileanan.
Tha 2898sq Km de mheudachd anns na h-eileanan air fad.
Aig Cunntais-sluaigh 2011 bha 27,684 a’ fuireach anns na h-Eileanan Siar le 53% luchd-bruidhinn na Gàidhlig, gar dèanamh mar an sgìre as motha ann an Alba airson luchd-labhairt a’ chànain.
About the Western Isles
The Western Isles comprises the main islands of Lewis, Harris, Scalpay, Berneray, North Uist, Benbecula, Eriskay, South Uist, Barra and Vatersay. In addition to St Kilda and Rockall, the area also covers some 50 uninhabited islands. The distance between the north and the south is some 130 miles and causeways and ferries link the main 6 islands.
The islands cover an area of 2898 sq Km.
The population of the Western Isles, at the 2011 Census, was 27,684 of which 53% were Gaelic speakers making it the largest Gaelic speaking community in Scotland.
Cò sinn? Who are we?
The Lord-Lieutenant
Iain Macaulay was appointed Lord-Lieutenant on 22nd March 2022, in succession to Donald Martin CVO who was appointed Lord-Lieutenant on 24th November 2016, having succeeded Alexander Matheson CVO, OBE who had held the post since 2001.
The native Gaelic speaker was born and brought up in Sollas, North Uist and has been a Deputy Lieutenant since 2003.
He retired as Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s (Western Isles Council’s) Director of Social and Community Services in 2016 after a 35-year career in social work and has taken on more diverse voluntary roles since then.
His main interest since retiring have been on family and participation in a number of voluntary community organisations while he also enjoys gardening, walking, spending time in Uist and following sport; in particular Scottish and English football.
Iain is married to Anne and they have two children, Marion and Andrew, who were brought up on our Grenitote croft in North Uist before moving to Lewis in 1997 on his appointment as Depute Director of Social Work.
Leas Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin
Tha Ealasaid (Betty) Nic An t-Saoir à Barraigh na Leas Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin. Bha i na manaidseir ann an oifis an CAB ann am Barraigh agus na Comhairliche bho 1990 gu 1994. Bha i na ball de Bhòrd Slàinte nan Eilean bho 1997 gu 2005 agus na Iar Chathraiche air a’ Bhòrd airson an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh. Bha i cuideachd air Bòrd Colaisde a’ Chaisteil fad 8 bliadhna gu 2010, na Cathraiche airson na 2 mu dheireadh. Chaidh a suidheachadh na Iar Mhorair ann an 1998 agus tha i air seirbheisean a thoirt seachad do ceithir Mhorair-ionaid a’ Chrùin.
Vice Lord-Lieutenant
The Vice Lord-Lieutenant is Elizabeth (Betty) McAtear from Barra. Mrs McAtear is a former manager of the local CAB office in Barra and was a local Councillor from 1990 to 1994. She served as a member of the Western Isles Health Board from 1997 to 2005 and was Vice Chair of the Board for the last two years of her term. She also served on the Board of Lews Castle College for 8 years till 2010, the final 2 years as its Chair. She was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant in 1998 and has since served four Lord-Lieutenants.
Iar Mhorair-ionaid
- Mairead Doig DL Steòrnabhagh, Leòdhas
- Curstaidh Nic a’ Bhreatannaich, DL, Àird Mhidhinis, Eilean Bharraigh
- Seòras MacDhòmhnaill DL Steòrnabhagh
- Alasdair MacEachainn DL, Beinn na Fadhla
- Aonghas S Mac an t-Saoir DL, Bornis, Uibhist a Deas
- Mairead NicAoidh DL, Nis, Eilean Leòdhais
- Ceitidh Anna NicFhionghain DL, Na Hearadh
- Coinneach Iain MacIllFhinnein MBE DL, Calanais, Leòdhas
- Anna Nicsuain, DL, Dail bho Thuath, Leòdhas
Deputy Lieutenants
- Margaret Doig DL, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
- Christine Galbraith DL, Ardveenish, Isle of Barra
- George Macdonald DL, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis
- Alasdair MacEachen DL, Benbecula
- Angus J Macintrye DL, Bornish, Isle of South Uist
- Margaret MacKay DL, Ness, Isle of Lewis
- Katie Ann Mackinnon DL, Stockinish, Harris
- Kenneth John MacLennan MBE DL, Callanish, Isle of Lewis.
- Annie Macsween DL MBE, North Dell, Isle of Lewis
Tha Rianadair aig gach Morair-ionaid airson taic agus comhairle le cùisean rianachd.
’S i Mairead NicAoidh bho Dhail bho Dheas ann an Leòdhas, a tha na Stiùiriche aig companaidh lagh Anderson Macarthur ann an Steòrnabhagh a tha san dreuchd seo. Cheumnaich Mairead bho Oilthigh Ghlaschu.
Mairead NicAoidh
Rianadair gu Morair-ionaid a’ Chrùin
Seann-togalaichean Banca na h-Alba
Fòn-oifis – (01851) 703356
Fòn-làimhe – 07788 985 111
Clerk to the Lieutenancy
Each Lieutenancy has a Clerk whose duty is to undertake the administrative functions for the Lord-Lieutenant.
The current Clerk is Margaret Mackay in Lewis who is a Director of the long-established Stornoway solicitors Anderson Macarthur. Margaret is a graduate of Glasgow University.
Margaret Mackay
Clerk to the Lieutenancy
Old Bank of Scotland Buildings
Stornoway, HS1 2BG
Office – (01851) 703356
Mobile – 07788 985 111
Naidheachdan News
Western Isles Remembers at Cross War memorial in Ness.
Members of the Lieutenancy attended many of the services that were held at War Memorials throughout the Western Isles on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November.
We remembered those who gave their lives in conflict and in the defence of our country.
This photograph from the Cross service includes Annie MacSween DL MBE performing her official duties for the final time before her retirement as a DL.
Vice Lord-Lieutenant Betty McAtear retires
Betty with her husband Danny and L-L Iain Macaulay Read more…
Vice Lord-Lieutenant Betty McAtear retires
Betty with her husband Danny and L-L Iain Macaulay
At its recent AGM in Barra, the Western Isles Lieutenancy took the opportunity to mark the retiral of Betty McAtear after 26 years of dedicated service as a Deputy Lieutenant, the last seven of which she served as Vice-Lord Lieutenant. At the same event, Mrs Christine Galbraith DL, from Ardveenish, was commissioned as the new Deputy Lieutenant for Barra and Vatersay.
Lord-Lieutenant Iain Macaulay said he had known Betty since 1985 when she was Manager of the Barra & Vatersay Citizen’s Advice Bureau and that he was immediately impressed by her drive and commitment to support and improve the circumstances of individuals and families who required advice and guidance, often at a time of crisis and concern for themselves and their families.
Iain Macaulay went on to say "When I was appointed Lord-Lieutenant in 2022, I had no hesitation in appointing Betty as my first Vice Lord- Lieutenant, a role she undertook for five years for my predecessor, Donald Martin CVO, with enthusiasm and dedication.
As Depute–Lieutenant and Vice Lord-Lieutenant, Betty has given exceptional service to both the Western Isles and the Crown, representing the Monarch throughout the Western Isles and also at national events on the mainland.
In her many roles across Barra, the Western Isles and Scotland, Betty has a track record of advocating strongly for the Barra and Vatersay community. A native Gaelic speaker, she has been a regular contributor to Gaelic radio and TV programmes, including a significant and poignant contribution at the time of The late Queen’s death and the Coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla.
Betty’s reputation and involvement over decades in her local community is well established. She is an exemplary and inspirational person who is committed, first and foremost, to the community interest"
A colleague of Betty for four decades on various voluntary and public bodies, Donald Martin CVO, the former Lord-Lieutenant, referred to her " sterling qualities and immeasurable contributions to public service, with steadfast support from her husband Danny and their three daughters.
In her Lieutenancy roles Betty has the unique achievement of serving four of the Western Isles’ six Lord-Lieutenants with distinction over her remarkable 26 years service to the Lieutenancy."
To mark her retirement the Lord-Lieutenant presented Betty with gifts and flowers, thanking her for her service and wished her a well deserved, long and enjoyable retirement. Additionally, her husband, Danny, received gifts for his encouragement and support over the years.
HRH The Princess Royal visits the Western Isles on 29th August 2024
It's always an honour to have a Royal Visit in the Western Isles and we were delighted to welcome HRH The Princess Royal in August. Throughout a busy day she completed four visits to: Carloway Community, Ishga, Aros an Rubh and finally Bethesda Care Home and Hospice. Read more…
HRH The Princess Royal visits the Western Isles on 29th August 2024
It's always an honour to have a Royal Visit in the Western Isles and we were delighted to welcome HRH The Princess Royal in August. Throughout a busy day she completed four visits to: Carloway Community, Ishga, Aros an Rubh and finally Bethesda Care Home and Hospice.
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