Gailearaidh Dheilbh Photo gallery
The following photographs show the wide variety of activities and events in which the Lord-Lieutenant and his DL’s are involved in representing HM The King within the Western Isles.
Tha an gailearaidh dheilbh seo a’ toirt eisimpleir dhuibh dha na tachartasan anns a bheil am Morair Ionaid an sàs air feadh na sgìre, às leth An Rìgh.

Kenny MacLennan DL and his wife Seonag at Westminster Abbey for the Princess of Wales' Carol Service

Ceiteag MacNeil from Barra, and her daughter Catherine Ann, at Westminster Abbey for the Princess of Wales' Carol Service

Carole Miller and her husband Donald at Westminster Abbey for the Princess of Wales' Carol Service

Betty McAtear, L-L Iain Macaulay, Annie MacSween MBE and former L-L Donald Martin CVO at the AGM in Barra where the retirement of Betty and Annie was acknowledged. They were presented with gifts and flowers, thanking them for their service and wishing them a well-deserved, long and enjoyable retirement. Additionally, gifts were also given to Danny and Iain, for their encouragement and support over the years. Retired L-L, Donald Martin recalled many happy and memorable times working with both Betty and Annie in various roles over the years.

LEWIS WAR MEMORIAL CENTENARY 1924–2024 A special service organised by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar was held on 21 September to mark 100 years since the unveiling of the Lewis War Memorial.